Business Meeting of Westercon 68

1.    Call to Order

The meeting of the 68th West Coast Science Fantasy Conference (Westercon) was called to order at 11:03 a.m. on July 4, 2015 in San Diego, California, with a quorum present. The meeting officers were Kevin Standlee, Chairman; Linda Deneroff, Secretary; and Lisa Hayes, Videographer.

2.    Committee Reports

There were no active committees to report to the Business Meeting.

3.    Site Selection Results

The announcement of site selection results for Westercon 70 was made by Deidre Saoirse Moen, with the breakdown of the vote is as follows:




Tempe, Arizona









Oliver Country



None of the above



No preference



Total votes cast



Total With Preference



Needed to Elect





Tempe wins in the first round

There were no questions for the administrator, and at the conclusion of the site selection report, the chair instructed the administrator and her team to destroy the ballots.

Dee Astell, the new chair of Westercon70, made a presentation. Westercon 70 will to be held Saturday-Tuesday, July 1-4, 2017, in Tempe Arizona. It will be called Conalope. Gini Koch will be a guest of honor, with more guests to be announced later.

Those who presupported and voted are now full attending members of Conalope. Those members who only voted or only presupported will need to upgrade their memberships if they wish to attend the convention. For members who voted but did not presupport, the conversion rate is $45 before the end of Westercon 68. For presupporters who did not vote, the conversion rate is $25 before the end of Westercon 68. The rates will rise after the conclusion of Westercon 68.

4.    Pending Bylaw Amendments

There were no amendments passed by the Westercon 67 Business Meeting.

5.    New Business

Ben Yalow introduced an amendment to amend Section 2.3 of the Westercon Bylaws to reduce the quorum (the minimum number of members required to be present to do business) from 15 to 7 members. Mr. Yalow spoke in favor of the motion because every year we need to delay the start of the meeting until we reach a quorum. He felt a quorum of seven members was sufficient to ensure we don’t have changes to the Bylaws with a vote of something like 1-0.

Rick Kovalcik felt seven was too low and if we couldn’t get ten members to attend, something is wrong. In the interim, smoffing continues anyway. He moved to create a blank in lieu of a number, which was seconded by several people, and there were no objections to doing so. The numbers eleven, ten, nine and seven were suggested. [Note: The chair spent a few minutes explaining how the “fill in the blank” system works, and then voting commenced. This vote does not change the bylaws; it simply fills in the blank before voting on the amendment itself.] The number eleven failed. The number ten passed and, thus filled in the blank. There was no further debate on the modified bylaw amendment.

In response to a query, the Chair explained that the quorum includes every natural person physically present at the meeting who has been given voting rights by the convention.

The final version of the motion as voted upon thus reads:

Moved, To amend Section 2.3 of the Westercon Bylaws for the purpose of reducing the quorum from 15 to 10 members, as follows:

2.3 Quorum

For business other than site-selection business, a quorum of fifteen (15) ten (10) attending members of the current Westercon shall be required. For site-selection business, the quorum shall be those attending members of the current Westercon who attend the meeting. All those persons voting at any meeting must be attending members of the current Westercon. Except as noted in these bylaws or in such rules of order as may be adopted, all business requires a simple majority to pass.

The question of amending the Section 2.3 of the Bylaws regarding the quorum from 15 to 10 was adopted by a show of hands, and the amendment was passed on to Westercon 69 for ratification.

6.    Announcements

There were no announcements.

With no other business, the Westercon 68 business meeting adjourned sine die at 11:15 a.m.