Tempe Withdraws 2023 Westercon Bid

The Tempe in 2023 bid announced on June 24, 2021 that they have withdrawn their bid to host Westercon 75. The post on their web site said:

With sadness, CASFS and WesternSFA are officially withdrawing our bid to host Westercon 75 in Tempe, AZ in 2023.

This is because of the ongoing effects of the COVID pandemic. While we expect that the country as a whole and the southwest in particular will be much more open in 2023 than it is today, that expectation has sadly not translated into support for Westercon 75 thus far and choosing to continue at this point would put both our sponsoring bodies at serious risk. We cannot survive on local fans alone. We also need regional fans to be ready to travel again and it’s clear that they’re not comfortable doing that yet.


The prudent option, which was taken unanimously by our committee and both our sponsoring bodies, is to withdraw at this time but to ready a future bid for a time when the wider community is hopefully ready to return to a physical Westercon.


Our current plan is to submit an equivalent bid to host Westercon 77 in Tempe in 2025, once we’ve agreed a contract with our hotel in mid-2022.

Westercon 73, which will be held as part of Loscon 47 after the original Westercon 73 committee disbanded and handed the convention over to LASFS, owner of the Westercon service mark, will continue to manage the site selection process for Westercon 75. We will post additional information about the site selection process from Westercon 73/Loscon 47 soon.

Author: kevin.standlee

Kevin is an expert on the official rules of Westercon. He led the committee that redrafted the Westercon Bylaws in the 1990s and is effectively the primary author of the current Westercon Bylaws. Disclaimer: Kevin was Chair of Westercon 74 (Tonopah 2022).

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