Note, the following information, along with any updates, will be maintained on the Fannish Inquisition page under the Events tab.
Westercon 68 will be holding two “Fannish Inquisitions” where members can learn about, and ask questions of, bids for future Westercons and Worldcons, as well as the future seated Westercon and Worldcons.
The Westercon Fannish Inquisition will be on Friday, July 3, at 1:00pm. The time for this inquisition will be broken down as follows:
- Westercon 69 — 10 minutes
- 2017 — 10 minutes (4 minutes presentation, 6 Q&A)
- 2018 — 8 minutes (4 minutes presentation, 4 Q&A)
- later — 5 minutes each
The Worldcon Fannish Inquisition will be on Friday, July 3, at 3:00pm and will have a two hour slot. The time for this inquisition will be broken down as follows:
- Sasquan — 15 minutes
- MidAmericon II — 10 minutes
- 2017 — 10 minutes each (4 minutes presentation, 6 Q&A)
- 2018 — 8 minutes each (4 minutes presentation, 4 Q&A)
- 2019 — 5 minutes
- later — 4 minutes each, assuming anyone wants to present
The Worldcon Fannish Inquisition will only be accepting written questions that can be screened by the moderators to ensure a smooth running session. These can be submitted by paper at the inquisition or before, or by sending an email to Written questions for the Westercon inquisition will also gladly be accept in advance at the same address, though questions from the floor will be entertained if there is time.
An HDMI projector & sound system available for use during the inquisition, along with all the usual dongles/converters (displayport, mini DVI, VGA-to-HDMI, etc.). Neither inquisition will start more than 5 minutes late for testing the projector or other technical needs. Any time taken setting up tech will be deducted from presentation time.
However, our AV team will have the projector available in the convention office in Terrace Salon 3 Friday morning to allow you to check out the setup and work it out with our AV team. Also, the Westercon inquisition is likely to end early. The rest of the slot will be available to work out AV issues.